(continued from Configuration Tab Scroll)

Service List Scroll

* = Scroll Default

To change columns, right click on the column headings bar. A pop-up box showing all the available headings appears and both the columns required and the order in which they are displayed can be changed.

To change the width of the columns use the left mouse button in the column headings bar to drag the column boundaries as required. This facility is available in all the “scrolls” within Tourplan. These settings are automatically saved.




Day and Sequence of service


Location code


Supplier code

*Supplier Name

Service supplier full name

*Option Description

Service option description


Service date


Service out date (Accommodation) or number of second charge units (non accommodation)


Service status

*Price Code

Service price code used


Service cost price


Markup %

*Agent Cost

Cost price plus mark-ups less commission


Voucher number and voucher status flag

Option Comment

Service option comment field


A ‘Y/N’ flag to indicate if any of the service costs have been overridden.


A ‘Y/N’ flag to indicate if service notes have been added to the service.

Rate Status

The status of the rate from the service database. One of:

  • Confirmed
  • Provisional
  • Terminal
  • Closed
  • Manual
  • Cross Season

Last Work Date

Last work date of the service

Last Work By

Last worked by user name

Linked PCM Name

The name of a PCM which has been inserted in a booking.

Linked PCM Seq

The number of times the same PCM has been inserted in the booking

PCM Link

A Y/N flag to indicate if the service(s) of a copied in PCM are still linked to the PCM.

Package PCM Name

The name of the PCM linked to the Package Option

PCM Pax Range

Which Pax range in the PCM was used during the PCM insert.

Package PCM Seq

The number of times the same Package PCM has been inserted in the booking


Yes/No flag to indicate if Driver/Vehicle/Guide assignments have been made for the service.


The remarks field from the Pickup/DropOff screen


The Service Option Rate Status:

K = Confirmed

P = Provisional

T = Terminal

C = Closed

M = Manual

N = Expired


The commission % applied to the service

Retail Cost

The retail (cost + markup) value of the service.


The service code of the service – e.g., AC

Service Name

The service description – e.g. Accommodation

Location Name

The location description of the service

Option Code

The option code of the service

Discount/Markup Sequence

The sequence number of the discount matrix record applied to the service.

Discount/Markup Code

The code of the discount matrix record applied to the service

Discount/Markup Description

The description of the discount matrix record applied to the service.

Commission Sequence

The sequence number of the commission matrix record applied to the service.

Commission Code

The code of the commission matrix record applied to the service

Commission Description

The description of the commission matrix record applied to the service.

Supplier Confirmation

Supplier Confirmation field from the Booking Service Line

Markup $

The value of the Markup of the Service


The value of the Commission of the Service

Total Markup%

The Markup percentage of the service


The margin value of the service


The margin percentage of the service (Markup Value/Selling Price) * 100 = Margin %